International Legally Binding Instrument

Our Research

The Global Plastics Policy Centre is designed to give governments and industry groups the evidence needed to make better decisions on plastic policies.

The Centre analyses plastic policies as they are developed around the world, providing a central point for information, effectiveness and barriers to plastics policy success.

By providing reviews of a variety of policy types, we are able to offer recommendations and the evidence base required to pursue more effective policy making.

Plastics Policy Reviews

Our plastic policy effectiveness evaluations are designed to give governments and businesses the evidence needed to make informed, evidence-based decisions regarding plastic policies.

We are specialised in supporting countries, businesses or regional bodies in their preparations for adapting to the global treaty process. Get in touch at or click the button below to explore your options of collaborating with us.

Global Plastics Treaty Outputs

Improving decision making in both government and businesses, by identifying strengths and weaknesses of plastic policy action, is increasingly crucial in the light of the upcoming Treaty to end plastic pollution. Countries and businesses will need to adapt to the requirements of the treaty.

Keep up to date with the Global Plastics Treaty process with our topical policy briefings and research outputs, below, as well as our blogs during INC meetings.

Demystifying Reuse in the Global Plastics Treaty

  • Authors: Global Plastics Policy Centre
  • Year: 2024
  • Recommended citation: Global Plastics Policy Centre. (2024). Demystifying Reuse in the Global Plastics Treaty | Global Plastics Treaty Policy Brief.

This summary document outlines priority considerations for reuse in the Global Plastics Treaty based on extensive research by the Global Plastics Policy Centre, including arts-based research carried out during a

Accelerating the Scaling of Reuse Systems: Policy Brief

  • Authors: Northen, S., March, A., Bowyer, C., Fletcher S.
  • Year: 2023
  • Recommended citation: Northen, S., March, A., Bowyer, C., Fletcher S. (2023). Accelerating the scaling of reuse systems | Global Plastics Treaty Policy Brief. Global Plastics Policy Centre and Break Free From Plastic.

You can find this policy brief in Chinese, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Swahili, and Arabic by visiting the output link. In preparation for the third session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee

INC3 Submission by the Global Plastics Policy Centre

  • Authors: Global Plastics Policy Centre
  • Year: 2023
  • Recommended citation: Global Plastics Policy Centre. (2023). Submission for the 3rd Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee. Revolution Plastics, University of Portsmouth, UK.

Making Reuse a Reality: A systems approach to tackling single-use plastic pollution

  • Authors: Judith Hilton, Stephanie Northen, Cressida Bowyer and Steve Fletcher.
  • Year: 2023
  • Recommended citation: Global Plastics Policy Centre. (2023). Making reuse a reality: A systems approach to tackling single-use plastic pollution. Revolution Plastics, University of Portsmouth, UK.

The Making Reuse a Reality Report brings together research and key evidence from interviews. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of reuse strategies, drawing on a diverse range of global

Effectiveness of National Action Plans: Policy Brief

  • Authors: March, A., Nieminen, L., Arora, H., Walker, T.R., Shejuti, S. M. , Tsouza, A., and Winton, S.
  • Year: 2023
  • Recommended citation: March, A., Nieminen, L., Arora, H., Walker, T.R., Shejuti, S. M. , Tsouza, A., and Winton, S. (2023). Effectiveness of national action plans | Global Plastics Treaty Policy Brief. Global Plastics Policy Centre and Dalhousie University.

In preparation for the second session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee in Paris, from 29 May to 2 June,  the Global Plastics Policy Centre team of the University of Portsmouth,

INC2 Submission by the Global Plastics Policy Centre

  • Authors: Global Plastics Policy Centre
  • Year: 2023
  • Recommended citation: Global Plastics Policy Centre. (2023). Submission for the 2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee. Revolution Plastics, University of Portsmouth, UK.

A new treaty process offers hope to end plastic pollution

  • Authors: March, A., Roberts, K. and Fletcher, S.
  • Year: 2022
  • Recommended citation: March, A., Roberts, K. P., & Fletcher, S. (2022). A new treaty process offers hope to end plastic pollution. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 3(11), 726-727.

A global review of plastics policies to support improved decision making and public accountability

  • Authors: March, A., Salam, S., Evans, T., Hilton, J., and Fletcher, S.
  • Year: 2022
  • Recommended citation: Global Plastics Policy Centre. (2022). A global review of plastics policies to support improved decision making and public accountability. March, A., Salam, S., Evans, T., Hilton, J., and Fletcher, S. Revolution Plastics, University of Portsmouth, UK.

This study presents an evidence-based assessment of the effectiveness of a suite of 100 plastics policies implemented by government, business and civil society world-wide, including an evaluation of the factors