International Legally Binding Instrument


Making Reuse a Reality: A systems approach to tackling single-use plastic pollution

Authors Judith Hilton, Stephanie Northen, Cressida Bowyer and Steve Fletcher.
Year 2023
Recommended citation Global Plastics Policy Centre. (2023). Making reuse a reality: A systems approach to tackling single-use plastic pollution. Revolution Plastics, University of Portsmouth, UK.
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The Making Reuse a Reality Report brings together research and key evidence from interviews. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of reuse strategies, drawing on a diverse range of global perspectives and experience. Reuse presents an opportunity to move away from the existing linear take-make-waste, single-use packaging economy. 

In preparation for the second session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC-2), the Global Plastics Policy Centre, in collaboration with Break Free From Plastic, present this report to aid the negotiations.