Guidance & Resources


We’ve compiled useful resources that have informed and contributed to our research, as well as those that are considered useful to anyone looking to understand the plastics policy landscape.

This page is updated regularly when new reports, guidance and other useful resources are published, so be sure to revisit this page page to stay up to date.


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Ambrose, K. K. (2023). Contextual Barriers Facing Caribbean SIDS in the Global Governance of Plastic Pollution: Assessing the Need for Harmonised Marine Debris Monitoring and Contextual Equity to Support Participation in the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations by Caribbean SIDS. WMU World Maritime University.

Shomuyiwa, D. O., Onukansi, F. O., Ivanova, M., & Lucero‐Prisno III, D. E. (2023). The Plastic treaty: What is in it for Africa?. Public Health Challenges, 2(2), e83.

GRID-Arendal. (2024). Climate impacts of plastics: Global actions to stem climate change and end plastic pollution. Norway.

UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. (2024). Aligning States Duties and Business Responsibilities Related to Plastics with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights | Information Note to the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4). United Nations.

University of California Santa Barbara & the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory DSE. (2023). Global Plastic Policy Tool.

Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Fact Sheet: Plastics 101. ISBN: 978-982-04-1282-8

Tessnow-von Wysocki, I., Wang, M., Morales-Caselles, C., Woodall, L. C., Syberg, K., Carney Almroth, B., ... & Helm, R. R. (2023). Plastics treaty text must center ecosystems. Science, 382(6670), 525-526.

Vitorino, H., Ferrazi, R., Correia-Silva, G., Tinti, F., Belizário, A. C., Amaral, F. A., ... & Azevedo-Santos, V. M. (2022). New treaty must address ghost fishing gear. Science, 376(6598), 1169-1169.

Shomuyiwa, D. O., Onukansi, F. O., Ivanova, M., & Lucero‐Prisno III, D. E. (2023). The Plastic treaty: What is in it for Africa?. Public Health Challenges, 2(2), e83.

NOT OPEN ACCESS: Brandon, A., Vanapalli, K. R., Martin, O. V., Dijkstra, H., De la Torre, G. E., Hartmann, N. B., ... & Pacini, H. (2023). Charting success for the Plastics Treaty. One Earth, 6(6), 575-581.

Dey, T., Trasande, L., Altman, R., Wang, Z., Krieger, A., Bergmann, M., ... & Almroth, B. C. (2022). Global plastic treaty should address chemicals. Science, 378(6622), 841-842.

Bergmann, M., Almroth, B. C., Brander, S. M., Dey, T., Green, D. S., Gundogdu, S., ... & Walker, T. R. (2022). A global plastic treaty must cap production. Science, 376(6592), 469-470.

Borrelle, S. B., Rochman, C. M., Liboiron, M., Bond, A. L., Lusher, A., Bradshaw, H., & Provencher, J. F. (2017). Why we need an international agreement on marine plastic pollution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(38), 9994-9997.