Gündoğdu, S., Bour, A., Köşker, A. R., Walther, B. A., Napierska, D., Mihai, F. C., ... & Walker, T. R. (2024). Review of microplastics and chemical risk posed by plastic packaging on the marine environment to inform the Global Plastics Treaty. Science of The Total Environment, 946, 174000.
We’ve compiled useful resources that have informed and contributed to our research, as well as those that are considered useful to anyone looking to understand the plastics policy landscape.
This page is updated regularly when new reports, guidance and other useful resources are published, so be sure to revisit this page page to stay up to date.
O’Meara, N. (2024). Priorities in the UN Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations. Natural Resources & Environment, 38(4).
Global plastics treaty needs trusted science
Year: 2024
Farrelly, T., Gammage, T., Carney Almroth, B., & Thompson, R. (2024). Global plastics treaty needs trusted science. Science, 384(6693), 281-281.
Insights from international environmental legislation and protocols for the global plastic treaty
Year: 2024
Aanesen, M., Ahi, J. C., Abate, T. G., Khan, F. R., de Vries, F. P., Kite-Powell, H., & Beaumont, N. J. (2024). Insights from international environmental legislation and protocols for the global plastic treaty. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 2750.
Ocean Plastics Leadership Network & UK Government. (2024). United Kingdom National Treaty Dialogues on Plastic Pollution INC-4: Multi-stakeholder Convening Report 2024.
Ambrose, K. K. (2023). Contextual Barriers Facing Caribbean SIDS in the Global Governance of Plastic Pollution: Assessing the Need for Harmonised Marine Debris Monitoring and Contextual Equity to Support Participation in the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations by Caribbean SIDS. WMU World Maritime University.
Shomuyiwa, D. O., Onukansi, F. O., Ivanova, M., & Lucero‐Prisno III, D. E. (2023). The Plastic treaty: What is in it for Africa?. Public Health Challenges, 2(2), e83.
The necessity of justice for a fair, legitimate, and effective treaty on plastic pollution
Year: 2023
Dauvergne, P. (2023). The necessity of justice for a fair, legitimate, and effective treaty on plastic pollution. Marine Policy, 155, 105785.
Filella, M., & Turner, A. (2023). Towards the global plastic treaty: a clue to the complexity of plastics in practice. Environmental Sciences Europe, 35(1), 99.
Punka, A. K. (2023). Towards an effective global plastics treaty: A legal analysis of treaty design elements to promote participation and effectiveness. Master thesis, University of Oslo.
Landrigan, P., Symeonides, C., Raps, H., & Dunlop, S. (2023). The global plastics treaty: why is it needed?. The Lancet, 402(10419), 2274-2276.
Insights from international environmental legislation and protocols for the global plastic treaty
Year: 2024
Aanesen, M., Ahi, J. C., Abate, T. G., Khan, F. R., de Vries, F. P., Kite-Powell, H., & Beaumont, N. J. (2024). Insights from international environmental legislation and protocols for the global plastic treaty. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 2750.
Many miles to go before we sleep: the long road to creating a comprehensive global plastics treaty
Year: 2024
Nagtzaam, G. (2024). Many Miles to Go Before We Sleep: The Long Road to Creating a Comprehensive Global Plastics Treaty. Vill. Env't LJ, 35, 1.
Fernandez, M. O., & Trasande, L. (2024). The Global Plastics Treaty: An Endocrinologist's Assessment. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 8(1), bvad141.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2022). Convention on Plastic Pollution - Essential Elements: Financial Aspects.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2022). Convention on Plastic Pollution - Essential Elements: Reporting and Monitoring.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2022). Convention on Plastic Pollution - Essential Elements: Fishing Gear.
Environmental Investigation Agency & Deutsche Umwelthilfe. (2022). Convention on Plastic Pollution - Essential Elements: Reuse.
Convention on Plastic Pollution – Essential Elements: Virgin Plastic Production and Consumption
Year: 2022
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2022). Convention on Plastic Pollution - Essential Elements: Virgin Plastic Production and Consumption.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2023). Convention on Plastic Pollution - Essential Elements: Microplastics.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2023). From Paper to Practice: Translating environmental principles into operational measures in the global plastics treaty.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2023). Cultivating Plastic: Part 5 - Preventing plastic pollution in the fisheries and aquaculture supply chain.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2023). Dedicated Programmes of Work - Plastic Pollution: Different sectors, different solutions.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2024). Convention on Plastic Pollution - Essential Elements: Plastic Waste Trade.
Basel Action Network, Environmental Investigation Agency & Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives. (2023). Bridging the Basel Convention Gaps with the Future Plastics Treaty.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2024). Global Plastics Treaty: Initial Considerations for INC-4.
Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty. (2024). Key messages ahead of INC-4 in April 2024: Business Needs Global Rules.
Center for International Environmental Law. (2024). Plastic Polymers under the Full Life Cycle Approach: Key Considerations on the Scope of the Future Plastics Treaty.
IUCN & World Commission on Environmental Law. (2024). A global plastics treaty and biodiversity: converging or conflicting regimes? IUCN's proposal for a specific article on "Biodiversity Aspects" in the future Plastics Treaty. IUCN.
Center for International Environmental Law. (2024). Towards a Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution: Ensuring Meaningful and Effective Stakeholder Involvement in the Intergovernmental Environmental Negotiations.
INC-4: Time to Speed Up Priorities – Brief
Year: 2024
WWF. (2024). INC-4: Time to Speed Up Priorities - Brief.
Greenpeace. (2024). People Vs Plastic! Global Support for a Strong Plastics Treaty.
Gore, A.C., La Merrill, M.A., Patisaul, H.B., & Sargis, R. (2024). Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Threats to Human Health. The Endocrine Society and IPEN.
IPEN. (2023). Troubling Toxics: Eliminating Harmful Plastic Chemicals Through the Plastics Treaty.
Climate Impacts of Plastics
Year: 2024
GRID-Arendal. (2024). Climate impacts of plastics: Global actions to stem climate change and end plastic pollution. Norway.
Dreyer, E., Hansen, T., Holmberg, K., Olsen, T., & Stripple, J. (2024). Towards a Global Plastics Treaty: Tracing the UN Negotiations. Lund University. Lund, Sweden.
UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. (2024). Aligning States Duties and Business Responsibilities Related to Plastics with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights | Information Note to the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4). United Nations.
Gündoğdu, S. (2024). Plastic Waste Trade: A New Colonialist Means of Pollution Transfer. Springer Nature.
Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2024). Scientists’ Coalition’s response to the revised draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (UNEP/PP/INC.4/3).
Raubenheimer, K. & Urho, N. (2024). Global criteria to address problematic, unnecessary and avoidable plastic products. Nordic Council of Ministers.
Tangri, N. (2023). POLICY BRIEF: Common But Differentiated Responsibility in the Global Plastics Treaty. Scholars Strategy Network.
Plastic Health Council. (2023). The Health Scientists' Global Plastics Treaty.
GRID-Arendal. (2022). Crafting an effective treaty on plastic pollution: Emerging fault lines in the intergovernmental negotiations.
WWF. (2023). Who Pays For Plastic Pollution?. WWF International.
Global Plastic Policy Tool
Year: 2023
University of California Santa Barbara & the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory DSE. (2023). Global Plastic Policy Tool. https://global-plastics-tool.org/
Schäffer, A., Groh, K. J., Sigmund, G., Azoulay, D., Backhaus, T., Bertram, M. G., ... & Scheringer, M. (2023). Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution. Environmental Science & Technology.
Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Fact Sheets: A Global Plastic Treaty Guided by Indigenous Pacific Wisdom. ISBN: 978-982-04-1280-4
Fact Sheet: Bioplastics, biobased plastics and plastics with biodegradable properties 101
Year: 2023
Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Fact Sheet: Bioplastics, biobased plastics and plastics with biodegradable properties 101. ISBN: 978-982-04-1290-3
Fact Sheet: Plastic Removal Technologies 101
Year: 2023
Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Fact Sheet: Plastic Removal Technologies 101. ISBN: 978-982-04-1281-1
Fact Sheet: Plastics 101
Year: 2023
Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Fact Sheet: Plastics 101. ISBN: 978-982-04-1282-8
Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Fact Sheet: Plastics Alternatives and Substitutes 101. ISBN: 978-982-04-1283-5
A Little Less Conversation: How existing governance can strengthen the future global plastics treaty
Year: 2023
Maes, T., Wienrich, N., Weiand, L., & Cowan, E. (2023). A Little Less Conversation: How existing governance can strengthen the future global plastics treaty. Cambridge Prisms: Plastics, 1-22.
Economist Impact & Back to Blue. (2023). Global Plastics Summit: Working towards a robust UN plastics treaty, October 11th-12th 2023 | Bangkok - Outcomes and key recommendations.
Towards Eliminating Plastic Pollution by 2040 | A Policy Scenario Analysis: Interim Findings
Year: 2023
OECD. (2023). Towards Eliminating Plastic Pollution by 2040 | A Policy Scenario Analysis: Interim Findings.
Plastics treaty text must center ecosystems
Year: 2023
Tessnow-von Wysocki, I., Wang, M., Morales-Caselles, C., Woodall, L. C., Syberg, K., Carney Almroth, B., ... & Helm, R. R. (2023). Plastics treaty text must center ecosystems. Science, 382(6670), 525-526.
Environmental Investigation Agency. (2023). Untangled: The plastics treaty's critical role in tackling fishing gear | Policy briefing for the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee for UNEA 5/14.
GRID-Arendal. (2023). Science-policy interface for plastic pollution. Eds. Raubenheimer, K. & Urho, N. GRID-Arendal, Arendal.
NOT OPEN ACCESS: Tommasi, F., & Mancini, L. (2023). What Kind of International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastic Pollution Do We Need?. In International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea (pp. 23-28). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Towards Ending Plastic Pollution by 2040 – 15 Global Policy Interventions for Systems Change
Year: 2023
Nordic Council of Ministers & SYSTEMIQ. (2023). Towards Ending Plastic Pollution by 2040 - 15 Global Policy Interventions for Systems Change. Nordic Council of Ministers.
Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty (2023) Policy Brief: Climate change impacts of plastics. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7972056. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty (2023) Policy Brief: Transitioning to a safe and sustainable circular economy for plastics. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7974916. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty (2023) Policy Brief: Role of chemicals and polymers of concern in the global plastics treaty, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7941525. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty (2023) Policy Brief: The global plastics treaty: What is the role of bio-based plastic, biodegradable plastic and bioplastic? (possible core obligation 8). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10021063. Available in English, French, Spanish, and German.
Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty (2023) Towards a Just Transition Away from Plastic Pollution. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10021005. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Waste Management. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10020855. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
New treaty must address ghost fishing gear
Year: 2022
Vitorino, H., Ferrazi, R., Correia-Silva, G., Tinti, F., Belizário, A. C., Amaral, F. A., ... & Azevedo-Santos, V. M. (2022). New treaty must address ghost fishing gear. Science, 376(6598), 1169-1169.
A disaster risk reduction framework for the new global instrument to end plastic pollution
Year: 2023
Senathirajah, K., Bonner, M., Schuyler, Q., & Palanisami, T. (2023). A disaster risk reduction framework for the new global instrument to end plastic pollution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 449, 131020.
Silva Filho, C. R., & Velis, C. A. (2022). United Nations’ plastic pollution treaty pathway puts waste and resources management sector at the centre of massive change. Waste Management & Research, 40(5), 487-489.
Carratta, G., & Jaeckel, L. (2023). Global plastics governance: opportunities and challenges for its improvement from a life cycle perspective. European Journal of Legal Studies, 15(1), 29-66.
Akrofi, D. F., Shang, P., & Ciesielczuk, J. (2023). Reconsidering: Approaches towards Facilitating Non-State Actors' Participation in the Global Plastics Regime. Eur. J. Legal Stud., 14(2), 121-140.
Ambrose, K. K., & Walker, T. R. (2023). Identifying opportunities for harmonized microplastics and mesoplastics monitoring for Caribbean Small Island Developing States using a spatiotemporal assessment of beaches in South Eleuthera, The Bahamas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 193, 115140.
Tang, K. H. D. (2023). Enhanced plastic economy: a perspective and a call for international action. Environmental Science: Advances, 2(8), 1011-1018.
Shomuyiwa, D. O., Onukansi, F. O., Ivanova, M., & Lucero‐Prisno III, D. E. (2023). The Plastic treaty: What is in it for Africa?. Public Health Challenges, 2(2), e83.
Human Rights and the Global Plastics Treaty to Protect Health, Ocean Ecosystems and Our Climate
Year: 2023
NOT OPEN ACCESS: O’Meara, N. (2023). Human Rights and the Global Plastics Treaty to Protect Health, Ocean Ecosystems and Our Climate. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 38(3), 480-515.
Tilsted, J. P., Bauer, F., Birkbeck, C. D., Skovgaard, J., & Rootzén, J. (2023). Ending fossil-based growth: Confronting the political economy of petrochemical plastics. One Earth, 6(6), 607-619.
Oturai, N. G., Syberg, K., Fraisl, D., Hooge, A., Ramos, T. M., Schade, S., & Hansen, S. F. (2023). UN plastic treaty must mind the people: Citizen science can assist citizen involvement in plastic policymaking. One Earth, 6(6), 715-724.
Charting success for the Plastics Treaty
Year: 2023
NOT OPEN ACCESS: Brandon, A., Vanapalli, K. R., Martin, O. V., Dijkstra, H., De la Torre, G. E., Hartmann, N. B., ... & Pacini, H. (2023). Charting success for the Plastics Treaty. One Earth, 6(6), 575-581.
Landrigan, P. J., Raps, H., Cropper, M., Bald, C., Brunner, M., Canonizado, E. M., ... & Dunlop, S. (2023). The Minderoo-Monaco commission on plastics and human health. Annals of global health, 89(1).
Walker, T. R., & Fequet, L. (2023). Current trends of unsustainable plastic production and micro (nano) plastic pollution. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 116984.
Deeney, M., Yates, J., Green, R., & Kadiyala, S. (2022). Centring human health in the global plastics treaty: a call to action. BMJ Global Health, 7(11), e011040.
Dey, T., Trasande, L., Altman, R., Wang, Z., Krieger, A., Bergmann, M., ... & Almroth, B. C. (2022). Global plastic treaty should address chemicals. Science, 378(6622), 841-842.
Wang, Z., & Praetorius, A. (2022). Integrating a chemicals perspective into the global plastic treaty. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 9(12), 1000-1006.
A global plastic treaty must cap production
Year: 2022
Bergmann, M., Almroth, B. C., Brander, S. M., Dey, T., Green, D. S., Gundogdu, S., ... & Walker, T. R. (2022). A global plastic treaty must cap production. Science, 376(6592), 469-470.
Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty (2023) Policy Brief: Role of chemicals and polymers of concern in the global plastics treaty.
Risk perception and risk realities in forming legally binding agreements: The governance of plastics
Year: 2022
Tiller, R., Booth, A. M., & Cowan, E. (2022). Risk perception and risk realities in forming legally binding agreements: The governance of plastics. Environmental Science & Policy, 134, 67-74.
Simon, N., Raubenheimer, K., Urho, N., Unger, S., Azoulay, D., Farrelly, T., ... & Weiand, L. (2021). A binding global agreement to address the life cycle of plastics. Science, 373(6550), 43-47.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation. (2021). A new UN treaty to address plastic pollution: supporting the transition to a circular economy of plastics.
World Wide Fund for Nature. (2021). Success Criteria for a New Treaty on Plastic Pollution. Gland, Switzerland.
Cowan, E., & Tiller, R. (2021). What shall we do with a sea of plastics? A systematic literature review on how to pave the road toward a global comprehensive plastic governance agreement. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 798534.
Borrelle, S. B., Rochman, C. M., Liboiron, M., Bond, A. L., Lusher, A., Bradshaw, H., & Provencher, J. F. (2017). Why we need an international agreement on marine plastic pollution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(38), 9994-9997.
International Institute for Sustainable Development. (2023). State of Global Environmental Governance 2022.
Convention on Plastic Pollution – Toward a new global agreement to address plastic pollution
Year: 2020
EIA. (2020). Convention on Plastic Pollution – Toward a new global agreement to address plastic pollution.