Guidance & Resources


We’ve compiled useful resources that have informed and contributed to our research, as well as those that are considered useful to anyone looking to understand the plastics policy landscape.

This page is updated regularly when new reports, guidance and other useful resources are published, so be sure to revisit this page page to stay up to date.


Subject Area:

Global Plastics Treaty(92)
Plastic pollution(54)
Policy options(53)
Plastic life cycle(21)
Waste management(20)
Reuse and refill(17)
Chemicals in plastics(14)
Environmental law(14)
Policy effectiveness(14)
Plastics economy(13)
Marine plastic litter(9)
Private sector(9)
Human health(8)
Climate change(7)
Voluntary interventions(7)
Alternative materials(6)
Just transitions(6)
Plastic waste trade(6)
Traditional and indigenous knowledge(1)
See 18 moreSee less

Resource Type:

Scientific publication(100)
Organisational publication(71)
Policy brief(18)
Online resource(12)
Feature article(5)
Government publication(2)
Industry publication(1)
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See 4 moreSee less


Subject Area:

Global Plastics Treaty(92)
Plastic pollution(54)
Policy options(53)
Plastic life cycle(21)
Waste management(20)
Reuse and refill(17)
Chemicals in plastics(14)
Environmental law(14)
Policy effectiveness(14)
Plastics economy(13)
Marine plastic litter(9)
Private sector(9)
Human health(8)
Climate change(7)
Voluntary interventions(7)
Alternative materials(6)
Just transitions(6)
Plastic waste trade(6)
Traditional and indigenous knowledge(1)
See 18 moreSee less

Resource Type:

Scientific publication(100)
Organisational publication(71)
Policy brief(18)
Online resource(12)
Feature article(5)
Government publication(2)
Industry publication(1)
See 3 moreSee less


See 4 moreSee less

Karali, N., Khanna, N., & Shah, N. (2024). Climate Impact of Primary Plastic Production. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Report #: LBNL-2001585. Retrieved from

Ambrose, K. K. (2023). Contextual Barriers Facing Caribbean SIDS in the Global Governance of Plastic Pollution: Assessing the Need for Harmonised Marine Debris Monitoring and Contextual Equity to Support Participation in the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations by Caribbean SIDS. WMU World Maritime University.

Shomuyiwa, D. O., Onukansi, F. O., Ivanova, M., & Lucero‐Prisno III, D. E. (2023). The Plastic treaty: What is in it for Africa?. Public Health Challenges, 2(2), e83.

GRID-Arendal. (2024). Climate impacts of plastics: Global actions to stem climate change and end plastic pollution. Norway.

UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. (2024). Aligning States Duties and Business Responsibilities Related to Plastics with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights | Information Note to the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4). United Nations.

University of California Santa Barbara & the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory DSE. (2023). Global Plastic Policy Tool.

Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty. (2023). Fact Sheet: Plastics 101. ISBN: 978-982-04-1282-8

The Plastics Management Index measures, compares and contrasts the efforts made by a selection of 25 countries at different stages of development in their management of plastics, covering the entire lifecycle of plastic products. Its goal is to assess each country’s capacity to minimise plastics mismanagement or leakages across the plastics lifecycle, while promoting the optimal production and use of plastic as a resource. In so doing, it views the issue through the lens of policy, regulation and business practice, while also incorporating consumer actions and perspectives.

Tessnow-von Wysocki, I., Wang, M., Morales-Caselles, C., Woodall, L. C., Syberg, K., Carney Almroth, B., ... & Helm, R. R. (2023). Plastics treaty text must center ecosystems. Science, 382(6670), 525-526.

The guide allows the user to compare current policies and expected legal developments in a number of jurisdictions across the globe. First published in 2021, latest update in 2023.

Extensive database of existing plastic legislation around the world. Topics include: design & reuse, extended producer responsibility, maritime sources, microplastics, production & manufacturing, reduction, transparency & traceability, waste management, and waste trade.

This webpage hosts several documentaries and films on plastics and their impacts on different environments and humans' relationships with nature. The content on this page is available through request for screenings in communities, festivals, work places, schools, or events.

Zhao, X., Boruah, B., Chin, K. F., Đokić, M., Modak, J. M., & Soo, H. S. (2022). Upcycling to Sustainably Reuse Plastics. Advanced Materials, 34(25), e2100843.

WRAP. (2021). Plastics Tracking Survey 2021: Behaviours, attitudes and awareness around plastic waste.

Vitorino, H., Ferrazi, R., Correia-Silva, G., Tinti, F., Belizário, A. C., Amaral, F. A., ... & Azevedo-Santos, V. M. (2022). New treaty must address ghost fishing gear. Science, 376(6598), 1169-1169.

Shomuyiwa, D. O., Onukansi, F. O., Ivanova, M., & Lucero‐Prisno III, D. E. (2023). The Plastic treaty: What is in it for Africa?. Public Health Challenges, 2(2), e83.

NOT OPEN ACCESS: Brandon, A., Vanapalli, K. R., Martin, O. V., Dijkstra, H., De la Torre, G. E., Hartmann, N. B., ... & Pacini, H. (2023). Charting success for the Plastics Treaty. One Earth, 6(6), 575-581.

Dey, T., Trasande, L., Altman, R., Wang, Z., Krieger, A., Bergmann, M., ... & Almroth, B. C. (2022). Global plastic treaty should address chemicals. Science, 378(6622), 841-842.

Bergmann, M., Almroth, B. C., Brander, S. M., Dey, T., Green, D. S., Gundogdu, S., ... & Walker, T. R. (2022). A global plastic treaty must cap production. Science, 376(6592), 469-470.

Lau, W. W., Shiran, Y., Bailey, R. M., Cook, E., Stuchtey, M. R., Koskella, J., ... & Palardy, J. E. (2020). Evaluating scenarios toward zero plastic pollution. Science, 369(6510), 1455-1461.

Löhr, A., Savelli, H., Beunen, R., Kalz, M., Ragas, A., & Van Belleghem, F. (2017). Solutions for global marine litter pollution. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 28, 90-99.

Campbell, L. M., Gray, N. J., Fairbanks, L., Silver, J. J., Gruby, R. L., Dubik, B. A., & Basurto, X. (2016). Global oceans governance: New and emerging issues. Annual review of environment and resources, 41, 517-543.

Borrelle, S. B., Rochman, C. M., Liboiron, M., Bond, A. L., Lusher, A., Bradshaw, H., & Provencher, J. F. (2017). Why we need an international agreement on marine plastic pollution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(38), 9994-9997.

Provides information and guidance on various elements of plastics policy and highlights the important role of marine debris networks to prevent and reduce ocean plastic pollution.

The Minderoo Plastic Waste Makers Index tracks global plastics back to producers, investors and identifies sources of single use plastics, as well as top polluters and investors into plastic production.

International Resource Panel (2021). Governing Coastal Resources: Implications for a Sustainable Blue Economy. Fletcher, S., Lu, Y., Alvarez, P., McOwen, C., Baninla, Y., Fet, A.M., He, G., Hellevik, C., Klimmek, H., Martin, J., Mendoza Alfaro, R., Philis, G., Rabalais, N., Rodriguez Estrada, U., Wastell, J., Winton, S., Yuan, J. A. Report of the International Resource Panel. United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi, Kenya.

IRP. 2021. Policy options to eliminate additional marine plastic litter by 2050 under the G20 Osaka Blue Ocean Vision. Fletcher, S., Roberts, K.P., Shiran, Y., Virdin, J., Brown, C., Buzzi, E., Alcolea, I.C., Henderson, L., Laubinger, F., Milà i Canals, L., Salam, S., Schmuck, S.A., Veiga, J.M., Winton, S., Youngblood, K.M. Report of the International Resource Panel. United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi, Kenya.