Global Plastic Policy Reviews

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When referring to any of the results of our analysis and/or its concept and design, please cite us accordingly:
Global Plastics Policy Centre (2022) March A., Salam, S., Evans, T., Hilton, J., Fletcher, S. (editors). Global Plastics Policy Review. Revolution Plastics Institute, University of Portsmouth.

Sindh (Pakistan) Prohibition of Manufacture, Sale, and Use of Polythene Bags Act,  Sindh Act No. XV of 2006

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Contribution to reducing plastic pollution:
Effectiveness of meeting own objectives:
Strength of evidence: Moderate Available Evidence
Reviewed under framework: Yes

This policy is a prohibition of the manufacture, sale and use of black polythene bags including PET bags below 30 micron thickness specific to the Sindh Province. The ban was unsuccessful and fell through due to a lack of enforcement, alternatives, and awareness.

After 2006, the Sindh government attempted to ban bags again in 2009 and in 2014; these efforts were also undermined for the same reasons. However, this ban has since inspired a number of advanced policies in neighbouring provinces and, more recently, a nationwide bag ban was adopted in 2019.

Seeking to become a regional environmental leader, Pakistan is the latest member nation to officially join forces with the Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP). 

(Reviewed in Jan 2022)


  • 2006

Instrument type:

Voluntary or legally binding:


Implementation context:

Point in plastic cycle:

Policy Type:

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We are confident in our research, however, not all evidence is made publicly available which may affect the outcome of the reviews. Let us know if you have research or evidence that can contribute to our analysis, or a policy you think would be valuable to review!

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Our methods

Through an analytical framework, we've reviewed over 100 plastic policies. These reviews determine the effectiveness of policies in reducing plastic pollution and we offer recommendations in light of this evidence, to enhance future policy making. You can find out more about our methods on our methods page.



In light of our findings, we've created targeted guidance for Policy Makers, Citizens and Businesses.

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We are confident in our research, however, not all evidence is made publicly available which may affect the outcome of the reviews. Let us know if you have research or evidence that can contribute to our analysis, or a policy you think would be valuable to review!

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