Global Plastic Policy Reviews

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When referring to any of the results of our analysis and/or its concept and design, please cite us accordingly:
Global Plastics Policy Centre (2022) March A., Salam, S., Evans, T., Hilton, J., Fletcher, S. (editors). Global Plastics Policy Review. Revolution Plastics Institute, University of Portsmouth.

National Action Strategy Addressing Marine Litter in Singapore

View the policy document
Reviewed under framework: No - insufficient evidence
Key findings: Insufficient evidence to review

This policy has six focus areas including: Reduction of Land-Based Sources of Litter, Reduction of Sea-Based Sources of Litter, Circular Economy Approach, Research and Development, Maintaining and Strengthening Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement, and International Engagement and Collaboration (Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, 2022). The primary driver for this policy was political, NASML was established in line with target 14.1, which aims to, by 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities (Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, 2022). Concerning the administration of this policy, the Interagency Taskforce on Marine Litter coordinates and implements marine litter policies across the government agencies (the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment chairs the Taskforce, the National Environment Agency (NEA) and the National Parks Board (NParks) provide technical support to the Taskforce). The NASML is a first step to formalise Singapore’s actions to address marine litter (Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, 2022). There was insufficient evidence available to complete the evaluation framework at the time of the assessment, the plan was launched in June 2022.

(Uploaded in August 2023)


  • 2022

Instrument type:

Voluntary or legally binding:


Implementation context:

Point in plastic cycle:

Policy Type:

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We are confident in our research, however, not all evidence is made publicly available which may affect the outcome of the reviews. Let us know if you have research or evidence that can contribute to our analysis, or a policy you think would be valuable to review!

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Our methods

Through an analytical framework, we've reviewed over 100 plastic policies. These reviews determine the effectiveness of policies in reducing plastic pollution and we offer recommendations in light of this evidence, to enhance future policy making. You can find out more about our methods on our methods page.



In light of our findings, we've created targeted guidance for Policy Makers, Citizens and Businesses.

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We are confident in our research, however, not all evidence is made publicly available which may affect the outcome of the reviews. Let us know if you have research or evidence that can contribute to our analysis, or a policy you think would be valuable to review!

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