Perspectives on the Global Plastics Treaty Zero Draft

Photo by James Wakibia
10 November 2023
The Zero Draft of the Global Plastics Treaty came out in September in advance of the third intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC-3) to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, in November 2023. In addition to numerous reactions on social media to the Zero Draft, a flurry of statements and perspective pieces have appeared since its release. We’ve collated some of the perspectives and statements on the Zero Draft from various stakeholder groups.
The spread of responses to the Zero Draft understandably varied, which reflects the range of stakeholders involved in the negotiation process. The Zero Draft is a menu of options at this stage that will be negotiated and elaborated on at INC-3 in Nairobi and the INCs that follow. Below we signpost some of the comments and analyses on the Zero Draft from a range of NGOs, private sector bodies, convening bodies, industry representatives, and research institutions.
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs):
- Break Free From Plastic – #BreakFreeFromPlastic Members Encouraged by the Zero Draft for a Global Plastics Treaty Call for Ambitious Negotiations
- Climate Rights International – Global Plastics Treaty “Zero Draft” Needs More Ambition Governments Should Commit to Plastic Production Cap and Ban on Toxins
- Environmental Investigation Agency – Quick Reflections on the Plastics Treaty Draft and Global Plastics Treaty: Initial Considerations for INC-3 (includes a perspective on the Zero Draft)
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation – An encouraging step towards ending plastic pollution: Reflections on the “zero draft” legal text of the UN Treaty
- Food Packaging Forum – UN publishes Plastics Treaty zero draft
- Global Centre for Good Governance in Tobacco Control – Why the Zero Draft of the UN Plastics Treaty Should Deal with Tobacco’s Toxic Plastics
- Greenpeace Aotearoa – Global Plastics Treaty draft is out, now the real work must begin
- Human Rights Watch – Plastics Treaty Draft Takes First Step to Reduce Production
- Ocean Conservancy – Ocean Conservancy Response to Plastics Treaty Zero Draft
- Surfrider Foundation – ‘Zero Draft’ of Global Plastics Treaty Released
- The Innovation Alliance for a Global Plastics Treaty – Response to the UN’s Zero Draft of the Global Plastics Treaty
- World Wide Fund For Nature – WWF Statement on the Zero Draft of a UN Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution and Draft global plastics treaty shows promise – now countries must back ambitious measures, says WWF
Private sector:
- Argus Media – UN unveils plastic treaty “zero draft”
- British Plastics Federation – Draft Zero Release on the Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution
- Business Coalition for a Global Plastic Treaty – OUR VIEW ON THE “ZERO DRAFT” FOR A GLOBAL PLASTICS TREATY
- BusinessGreen News – ‘It contains all of our dreams and all of our nightmares’: First draft of Global Plastic Treaty published
- Circular – UN Plastic Treaty Draft to mandate reuse and repair targets
- Edie – UN Plastics Treaty draft unveiled, with global bans on problematic plastics in sight
- International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) – New Release: Zero Draft of the international legally binding instrument on Plastic Pollution
- Packaging Dive – Draft for UN plastics agreement lays out EPR, recycled content, reuse possibilities
- Packaging Europe – Plastics industry players clarify vision of Global Plastics Treaty legislation in response to UNEP draft
- Packaging Insights – UN Global Plastic Treaty Draft: Industry experts offer mixed reactions
- Packaging News – UN Plastics Treaty draft leaves diplomats addressing ‘problematic plastics’
- Plastics Today – ‘Zero Draft’ for Global Plastics Treaty Released
- Resource Recycling – UN rolls out initial draft of global plastics treaty
- The Consumer Goods Forum – Plastic Waste Coalition Director Welcomes Landmark “Zero Draft” for a Binding Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution
Research community:
- Center for Biological Diversity – Global Plastics Treaty Chair Releases ‘Zero Draft’ Ahead of Third Meeting
- Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty – Response to the Zero Draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (UNEP/PP/INC.3/4)
- The Circulate Initiative – The Global Plastics Treaty zero draft has transformative potential, but negotiators must map a clear path to implementation and The Global Plastics Treaty zero draft: Defining the “how” of a just transition will be the crucial next step
Legal perspective:
- Slaughter and May Insights – Global Plastics Treaty: What the Zero Draft means for organisations, and Architecture of a Global Plastics Treaty – Deconstructing the Zero Draft
Takes on the Zero Draft by news outlets:
- China Dialogue Ocean – Plastics treaty edges closer with publication of ‘zero draft’
- Down to Earth – Zero draft of global plastic pollution treaty: What are the hits & misses
- Greenbiz – ‘Zero draft’ lends shape to global plastics treaty
- Grist – After a year and a half, negotiators finally have a draft of the global plastics treaty
- Impakter – What You Need to Know About the UN’s Draft Global Plastics Treaty
- Renewable Matter – Global Plastic Treaty: Zero Draft Published
- – First draft of UN’s legally binding Global Plastics Treaty published
- WIRED – This Treaty Could Stop Plastic Pollution—or Doom the Earth to Drown in It