Global Plastic Policy Reviews

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When referring to any of the results of our analysis and/or its concept and design, please cite us accordingly:
Global Plastics Policy Centre (2024) March A., Salam, S., Evans, T., Hilton, J., Fletcher, S. (editors). Global Plastics Policy Review. Revolution Plastics Institute, University of Portsmouth.

Brunei Miscellaneous Offences Act

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Reviewed under framework: No - insufficient evidence
Key findings: Insufficient evidence to review

The amendment (implemented in 2021) is on provisions under the Miscellaneous Offences Act, formerly known as the Minor Offences Act, and the increase in fines and imprisonment term for individuals brought to court and found guilty of offences under Section 12 (1) of the Minor Offences Act (Chapter 30), of littering in public spaces (Azahari, 2022). Under the amended act, individuals who commit an offence under the section, upon conviction, will be liable to a fine, and a jail sentence not exceeding six months or both (Azahari, 2022). The administration of the Act falls under the Minister of Home Affairs. There was insufficient evidence available to assess the policy, but reports suggest that enforcement is effective despite the lack of compliance from the public and private sector (Azahari, 2022; Brunei News Gazette, 2022; The Star Online, 2022a;The Star Online, 2022b).

(Uploaded in Dec 2023)


  • 1929

Instrument type:

Voluntary or legally binding:


Implementation context:

Point in plastic cycle:

Policy Type:

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We are confident in our research, however, not all evidence is made publicly available which may affect the outcome of the reviews. Let us know if you have research or evidence that can contribute to our analysis, or a policy you think would be valuable to review!

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Our methods

Through an analytical framework, we've reviewed over 100 plastic policies. These reviews determine the effectiveness of policies in reducing plastic pollution and we offer recommendations in light of this evidence, to enhance future policy making. You can find out more about our methods on our methods page.



In light of our findings, we've created targeted guidance for Policy Makers, Citizens and Businesses.

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We are confident in our research, however, not all evidence is made publicly available which may affect the outcome of the reviews. Let us know if you have research or evidence that can contribute to our analysis, or a policy you think would be valuable to review!

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